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A hip fracture may be defined as a breakage of the upper quarter of the bone in the thigh. The forces involved contribute to the extent and severity of the damage. If you have a hip fracture, it is a severe injury that requires immediate medical attention. Elderly people are at increased risk of hip fracture, because of osteoporosis or weakening of bones. There are three types of hip fracture namely femoral, intertrochanteric and atypical. Femoral hip fracture occurs in the upper part of the femur, right below the femoral head and ball-socket joint. Intertrochanteric fracture occurs a little below the hip joint, but on the upper portion the femur that protrudes. Whereas atypical fracture is rare and occurs in people who have undergone treatments using bisphosphonates for extended periods of time Usually, a hip fracture needs surgical repair and correction and could take months to cure completely. It is therefore essential to maintain the density of the bone and avoid falls.


If you have had a hip fracture, the symptoms are: Severe pain in the hip or groin Inability in movement after a fall Being unable to shift weight on the hip area Swelling, stiffness and bruises in the hip area Outward turning of the leg near the injured areaDFDAFF


The causes of hip fracture could be: Poor vision due to age factors Balance problems Severe impacts like car crashes Fall from a height Trip hazards Twisting injuries


Usually, our experts can diagnose a hip fracture through: ... A physical examination Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) X- Ray


Generally, the specialists treat hip fractures with surgical procedures. After the surgery, the patient must be counseled and aided for rehabilitation and medicated for months, to aid the curing process. .. Surgery Depending on the extent of damage, your health and age, ythe doctor may suggest any of these procedures. Screw method Small metal screws are used in this method, to hold the bones together, while the fracture heals naturally. Partial hip arthroplasty In this procedure, the head and neck of the femur are replaced by a metal counterpart called prostheses. It is also called partial hip replacement. Total hip arthroplasty This may be recommended if your joints are damaged by arthritis or other injuries, prior to the fall. In total hip arthroplasty, the upper part of the femur and pelvic bone socket are replaced with a metal replica. Partial hip arthroplasty and total hip arthroplasty may be recommended if the supply of blood to the hip joint gets restricted due to the fracture. This is the most likely case in elderly people and the bone takes very long to get back to normal. Rehabilitation An occupational therapist will provide you rehabilitation assistance after your surgery. You might or might not be able to move on the next day of the surgery, depending on the extent of damage. Therefore, the therapist will guide you with the exercises you can perform every day, to gradually regain strength and begin being on your own. Your therapist will teach you the techniques for easy accessibility of the toilet, to bathe, to dress and to cook on your own. You might also be recommended the usage of a walker or a wheelchair for independent motion. Medication Administering bone-strengthening drugs is done to prevent the possibility of another hip fracture. Bone strengthening drugs like bisphosphonates may therefore, be prescribed. If taken orally, this drug may cause side-effects in some. Hence, it could be advised to be taken intravenously using injections. But be sure the doctor knows, if you have kidney problems.


The preventive measures for hip fracture are: Practice safety measures while walking Install grab bars in bathrooms and slippery areas Consume Calcium rich food Exercise moderately and stay fit Have a healthy lifestyle

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