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Adhesive capsulitis, popularly called as frozen shoulder, refers to the pain, stiffness and limited range of movement in your shoulder. If you have frozen shoulders, it means that the tissues around your joints stiffen, causing scars on the tissues and make the movements of your shoulders painful and difficult. It could be a result of an injury or diabetes or stroke or excessive use of the shoulders. Usually, it comes slowly and goes away slowly, in around a year or more.


The symptoms that can occur with frozen shoulder are: Pain in the shoulder Limited movement leading to stiffness Not being able to do everyday tasks in severe as dressing up or getting readyDFDAFF


Frozen shoulder can be a result of several conditions including: Surgery Injury Lessened use of shoulder due to injury, pain, surgery, diabetes or stroke Not using the shoulders for full range of motion Chronic illnesses


If you have limited movements in your shoulder, ythe doctor might suspect the possibility of a frozen shoulder. The doctor might use an imaging technique like: ... X-Ray Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI)


Our experts treat frozen shoulder in the following methods: .. Medical therapy Medical therapy involves using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication. Aspirin or Ibuprofen is used to ease the pain in the shoulder area. Sometimes, a steroid injection may also be used to treat the condition. Most of the time, frozen shoulder gets better with time. Within the duration of one year to three years, you can get back to normal and be fully functional. While some people prefer to leave the condition untreated, it could result in excessive pain and limited range of motion. Right medication at the right time could save you from grievous amounts of pain and suffering. Heat therapy Heat can be applied on the shoulder area, to reduce pain and induce natural healing of frozen shoulder. Physical therapy Mild stretching exercises are taught to increase the movement of the shoulders. Being the most used treatment mode for frozen shoulder, physical therapy aims to stretch the joints of the shoulder, to regain lost motion. Gentle exercises are prescribed by the doctor and it might take a few months for the condition to cure. If you don't see progress after six months of intense, daily exercises, speak to ythe doctor about other options. Ice therapy Ice packs can be kept over the shoulders for fifteen minutes on a regular basis, to reduce pain and swelling. Surgical therapy In case other modes of treatment do not seem to be causing much effect, surgeries may be recommended to loosen some tight tissues of the shoulder. The aim of surgeries is to break open adhesives that cause frozen shoulder. If your frozen shoulder is the result of an injury, it is always suggested that the surgery be done within a few weeks of the occurrence of the injury, for the best possible recovery and relief. Often, two surgeries are carried out. In the first procedure called manipulation under anesthesia, your arms are moved into positions that stretch the tissues, while you are under the effect of anesthesia. In the second procedure, an arthroscope is used to cut through the tight and scarred tissues. An arthroscope is a small camera used to monitor the joints of the shoulder while the surgery is being performed. Both of these can be carried out at a stretch and the stitches can be removed within ten days. Many patients have their full range of motion back within three months after a surgery. Surgery could be risky. Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist before opting for a surgery. Postoperative physical therapy would be


If you have had an injury that reduces the movement of your shoulders, undertake: Mild exercises Stretching Regaining lost motion

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