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Dental abscess is a medical condition caused by bacterial infection. In dental abscess, pus formation occurs inside teeth or gums, or in the bones that keeps the teeth in place. The types of abscess are: Periapical abscess (abscess of teeth), Periodontal abscess (abscess of gums). Dental abscesses are not always painful, but need medical attention. The condition does not improve on its own and may spread, affecting other body parts. This infection generally happens when you have a tooth decay and it goes untreated. This infection occurs from a cracked tooth, where the dental pulp develops and is exposed to the oral environment. Our mouth is full of plaque (a biofilm or mass of bacteria that grows on surfaces within the mouth) which helps break down food with the help of acids, forming a sticky substance when combined with saliva. If the acid produced is not cleaned or removed, it can damage tooth enamel, which causes dental abscess.


Any individual suffering from dental abscess may notice shooting sharp dental pain which increases on putting pressure or applying hot throbs. At times the pain is accompanied by swelling, which subsides on applying ice packs. Common symptoms of a tooth or gum abscess include: Intense shooting pain in the affected area and gradually may get worse. Sharp pain that may extend towards the ear, jaw, and neck. Redness and swelling on the face. Tender, discolored or loose tooth. Swollen gums. Sensitivity for hot and/or cold food and drinks. Bad /foul smelling breath. Bad taste in the mouth.DFDAFF


Causes Some of the most probable causes include: Not maintaining proper oral hygiene – plaque can build-up on the teeth. Consumption of sticky and starchy foods that encourage growth of bacteria. Spread of bacterial infection due to injury and other infection. Weak immune system due to medications or recent illness.]


following are the techniques to diagnose this disease: ... X-ray CT (Computed Tomography) scan Biopsy Tap on your teeth


For the successful treatment of dental abscess, it is necessary to reduce and eliminate the infecting organism. Treatments may include courses of antibiotics and pus drainage. .. RCT or root canal treatment For tooth restoration, RCT or root canal treatment is recommended. Teeth that cannot be restored are extracted, followed by curettage of all apical soft tissues. RCT treated teeth should be examined regularly after 1 or 2 years interval to rule out lesional enlargement and ensure healing. Pulling the affected tooth The dentist will extract the tooth and drain the abscess to relieve you of the infection. Prescribing antibiotics If someone has a weakened immune system, or the infection spreads to nearby teeth, jaw, or other areas, antibiotics may be recommended. Opening up or draining the abscess A small cut will be made into the abscess, to drain out the pus, and then washing off the area with salt water.


If ignored or left untreated, a tooth abscess may grow to perforate the bone and can extend till the soft tissue turns into osteomyelitis and cellulitis in the long run. The infection may further grow affecting internally or externally. The location of the infected tooth also affects infection path.

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