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Dawson Disease, also known as Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), is a progressive neurological disorder. It is caused by a chronic persistent infection with measles virus that affects the central nervous system. The measles virus may remain inactive and dormant for extended time periods, and then may become activate for no specific reason. It causes brain inflammation and the death of nerve cells, and usually affects children and young adults. If untreated, Dawson disease can lead to death. Therefore, immediate medical attention is necessary as soon as the first sign of symptoms appear. Dawson disease can occur anywhere from 2 to 10 years after the original measles illness. In developing countries, such as India, 20 cases per year in a million are reported.


The symptoms of Dawson Disease include: Irritability. Uncontrolled and involuntary movements. Display of abnormal behaviour. Loss or reduction in intellectual abilities. Loss of memory and muteness. Seizures. Inability to walk and loss of balance. Poor understanding and speech impairment. Blindness. Loss of consciousness.DFDAFF


It is mainly caused by a measles infection acquired earlier in life. It may be due to an abnormal immune response or a mutant form of the measles virus that causes a persistent infection within the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).


before any tests are conducted, the doctor tries to understand the symptoms and the medical history. A physical examination and questions related to general health will help the doctor to understand the patient’s overall health. The means of diagnosing the disease include: {Electrocardiogram (ECG test) Blood tests CT scan MRI scan


The treatment for Dawson disease can only be outlined after due diagnosis. The treatment also depends on the seriousness of the disease. , the common treatments include: .. Medication It will help reduce symptoms and stabilize the condition. Certain medications may be administered to delay the progression of the disease. Supportive therapy Along with medication, supportive therapy may be suggested. Feeding through tubes and extensive nursing care may be required at this stage. Advanced stage of Dawson disease can affect normal functioning and everyday tasks. It is important to understand the specific needs, and help the person become healthy.


Timely vaccination is the most effective prevention. An immunization avoids the chances of contracting measles. The measles vaccine is given twice, once at the age of 12-15 months, and again at the age of 4-6 years or 11-12 years.

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